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E-Lyte Innovations GmbH is founded

E-Lyte Innovations provides optimized electrolytes

First spin-off company launched by the MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster


On the 20th of May 2019, we founded E-Lyte Innovations GmbH with our business partner CUSTOMCELLS® and
the materials scientist Prof. Prof. h.c.mult. Dr. Martin Winter.


Global demand for lithium-ion batteries and growing interest in establishing a European or national cell production offer E-Lyte innovations promising market potential. Changing strategies on the market for batteries – focusing first on price and now on performance – make optimized electrolytes a necessity.

E-Lyte Innovations GmbH meets this growing market demand by developing and producing ultra-pure, high-performance and application-specific electrolytes and electrolyte components for modern electromechanical energy storage technologies. By using a state-of-the-art high-throughput system, E-Lyte is able to perform this complex and specialized process in a time and cost-efficient manner.

As the first spin-off company of the MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster, E-Lyte Innovations GmbH was founded by the young entrepreneurs Dr. Ralf Wagner (CEO), Dr. Kolja Beltrop and Dr. Stephan Röser, the material scientist Prof. Prof. h.c. mult. Dr. Martin Winter and the battery manufacturer CUSTOMCELLS on 20.05.2019. The company headquarter and production facility is the MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster (Correnstraße 46, 48149 Münster).

As part of the funding program “EXIST Forschungstransfer”, plans on setting up the company up to its final formation have been supported since March 2019 by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Union.